In honor of National Pizza Week I guess this would be a good time to reveal who's got the best pizza in the entire country.
We are in the hub of greatness, pizza greatness that is. Connecticut is in the ideal spot for the perfect storm of pizza perfection. New York in one direction, Boston in the other, and Philadelphia not far away either. So it's very understandable why Connecticut packs quite a punch when it comes to finding great pizza, but is it the best in the country, no wait, is it the best in the world?
To really figure out who's got the best pizza, an argument that has been going on since the dawn of time, you really have to look to one man, and one man alone, Barstool's own Dave Portnoy.
Portnoy, aside from being filthy rich, spends a lot of his time crossing the country, and the world for that matter, sampling pizza in its rarest form. If you've ever seen some of Dave's reviews then you know his tag line, "One bite, everyone knows the rules."
Now here in Connecticut we've got some tremendous pizza, and basically New Haven can take most of the credit. Now I know what you're thinking, if it's from Connecticut, and from New Haven, then it must be Pepe's Pizza. Better guess again, and while you're at it, check the list because Pepe's isn't even in Dave's Top 10.
Well to celebrate National Pizza Week, Dave has put together an official list of the best pizza in the entire universe. Here's what he had to say about it, and his official list featured on his Facebook post.
So now that you've seen the list, here's what Dave had to say about his top choice, number one, numero uno, the cream of the crop, Sally's Apizza in New Haven.
** Warning, some of the language Dave uses may not be suitable for all, viewer discretion is advised.**
And for those who are in denial and feel that Pepe's should have a least made the list, here's Dave's official review of that place as well.