30 years ago: Independent launches 'Sports N' Stuff' column | Jordan | swnewsmedia.com

2022-09-23 19:13:12 By : Ms. Sophia Tong

123 years agoWeek of Sept. 14, 1899School has opened with a total enrollment of 163 pupils. Room A is high school and grade 8; Room B has grade 7; Room C, grades 5 and 6; Room D is grades 3 and 4; Room E, grade 2 and Room F grade 1. Are we asking too much when we request parents to cooperate with teachers? An ounce of interest at home produces a pound of success at school.

John Steimel, the affable saloon keeper, is learning French and planning a trip to the Paris Exposition next year.

A hustling boy willing to do work required around the store, care for the team and learn the business will find a position at Casey’s hardware.

Lida J. Ware will sell a lot of farm machinery, two horses, corn in field, household furniture at auction tomorrow September 15th.

During the past two weeks the numerous mosquitos have been doing “the highland fling” on the anatomy of anyone who ventures outdoors.

Brick manufacturer Smail has his new machine in operation. He has a dice for making hollow bricks and ornamental blocks.

The Ricklick family has moved into the agents house at the Omaha station.

Joseph Seifert purchased 160 acres of A.C. Heins farm in Sand Creek township for $8,500.

Tomorrow morning the firm of Arens Brothers will dissolve partnership and Henry Arens and Frank Pekarna will be their successors in the meat market.

Peter Gregory is having a home built on his farm in Sand Creek township. There are three brothers who have been farming together.

On September 7th Emma Habbeggar was married to Frederick Leibbrand in Belle Plaine.

It’s beginning to look like autumn. A light frost visited the area this morning.

The construction of new tile walks continues with Dering’s, Hilgers, Lorang and Arens.

E.J. Gellenbeck is installing the steam heating plant in Dr. Janes hospital.

Threshing is under way and we hope the weather will continue to be favorable. Sugar beets are being harvested.

– School News – The pupils in Room A all can speak German and are working in that language. They also are reading “Among the Lawmakers.”

The fifth grade commenced work in “Redway and Hinman’s Geography” and “Metcalf and Bright’s language” lesson.

The upper grades are trying to organize basketball teams for excellent exercise.

Henry (Butch) Morlock, son of Frederick Morlock died Monday. Herman Sons and Modern Woodsmen were in charge of the funeral with the Jordan Cornet Band leading the procession to Spirit Hill. Henry was born August 8, 1873 and had a butcher trade in Jordan.

The Herman Sond’s picnic was a success with 580 people from the cities plus many locals and neighboring people attending. The sunny and cool weather was just warm enough for all the games and races held. The Jordan Cornet Band supplied Pavilion dancing and in the evening at the Opera House Hagie and Varner Orchestra performed.

I will sell grapes for preserving and cooking for $1.00 a bushel. C. Hetzel.

Rinold Kochlin’s home near the Omaha depot was ransacked but nothing taken last Sunday. Dr. G. O. Orr’s home was also entered and thieves got $15 and 2 rings.

The early frost have farmers anxious to get their corn crops in.

Wolf and Company are building a new brick barn and carriage house on their property at the rear of the store.

The Scott County Bank is installing a new electrical burglar alarm that will be heard two blocks away when used.

Peter Hilgers family moved from the Baier house acorn the bridge to his residence on 1st street, next to the June’s home.

W.F. Baier wed Florence Fouch of Minneapolis on Wednesday and will live in the old Baier homestead.

Miss Loretta Baier became the bride of Donald Dols on September 13th and left on a trip through Northern Minnesota and Canada.

Navyman Cyril Wolf CM3 has arrived in French Morocco after a leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf. Cyril is a mechanic with the Motor Pool division.

The Farmers WON again!! Sunday’s baseball game was a seven inning affair. The farmers’ picther was Roy Steinhoff with Virgil Hoffman pitching for Jordan’s first half and Bill Breimhorst in the second half of the game. The final score was 13-12.

The Jordan High School football team opened their 1952 conference season last Friday against Waterville’s Buccaneers losing 6 to their 33. Tomorrow night the Hubmen meet Montgomery there.

The new $825,000 St. Francis Hospital being constructed in Shakopee was dedicated last Sunday and the cornerstone was laid. It will be a 50 led structure.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gerlich have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nachbar.

Joey Pekarna and Jivinus Pauly left Monday to register at St. Thomas for their second year of study.

Notice – our restaurant, The Dutch Room – in Jordan will henceforth be closed every Thursday. Thanks, Jim and Alice Stephenson.

Nick’s Direct Service Station in North Jordan has a 1951 Ford truck, F-5, long wheel base and only 15,000 miles for sale.

Faye Liebbrand’s Red and White store has 2 pounds soda crackers for 41 cents; frozen orange juice or lemonade – 2 cans 35 cents; grapes, 2 pounds 29 cents and Bartlett canning pears, 20 pound lug for $1.59.

Mr. Don Rice is the new Superintendent at Jordan. His wife Esther and children Roger and Donna will move here when a home is found.

There are thirty four members in the Jordan Band. They have been practicing, drilling and marching.

A large crowd was in attendance for the first beginners square dancing class held Wednesday night at Mertz Hall, 60 years ago.

A total of 2,140 dinners were served Sunday at St. John’s Fall Festival.

The number of Minnesotans receiving welfare and through five federally-fostered “categorical aid” programs climbed 12.2 percent in the 12 months ending June 30 according to the Minnesota taxpayer association.

Newly appointed members of the City charter commission were sworn in at the group’s initial meeting at City Hall, Monday night. Members of the commission are Loren Jabs, Kenneth Crane, Faye Trost, Ervin Mayerhofer, Dorothy Kipp, and Mayor Earl Hedstrom.

Wedding anniversaries this week: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thaves, Sept. 23; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lehnen Sept. 23; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hentges, Sept. 27; and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Svoboda, Sept. 28.

Maria Thill, reporter of the senior citizens center, welcomed Ted Smith, Mrs. Josephine Menke and Monica Stifter to their group.

Looking for food value? Look to us at Sunder’s store! Ad. Wilderness pie filling, 2 cans 95 cents; bulk pitted dates, 2 lbs. 88 cents; 3 oz. Jello, 6 for 55 cents; Welch grape jelly, 49 cents, charcoal 59 cents, and much more.

Winners of the small bore rifle shot sponsored by the Jordan Area Jaycee are: Class 1 open sight, 12-16 years – Pete Betchwars; Class 2, scope sight, 12-16 years – Bob Hedstrom; Class 3, 17 and up – Melvin Malz.

All gates to the endzone were securely locked for three quarters of the game last Friday night as the Hubman bowed to the New Prague Trojans 7-0 in a defensive battle.

Hope Lutheran Church of Jordan welcomed Pastor Bob Iverson on Sept. 1, as their permanent Pastor Bob and his wife, Sandy, have three children, Darren 16, two daughters, Shawn 10, and Emely 7.

City Hall will be closed for remodeling Oct. 12-16. A bid of $156,360 was approved for some general work installation of an elevator, doors, windows, flooring and carpeting, painting, casework and electrical.

A new column was introduced this week by Gregg Busch and Ron Beckman called “Sports N’ Stuff,” welcoming readers to their information and enlightenment with sports happenings with a local touch.

Congratulations to Henry “Bubs” Allmann, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday. Bub’s was a starting tackle for Jordan during the 1930 football season.

Enrollment has dropped from a high of 1,300 in Kindergarten through high school 12th grade, during the 1973-76 years, to a low of 984 in 1989-90. Since then enrollment has leveled off at a figure slightly more than 1,000 with total enrollment this year at 1,033. [Reporters note: The Jordan School district’s enrollment for 2021-22 is 1,814 students in Kindergarten through high school].

John Pascal will retire from his job as a soil conservation service district conservationist on Oct. 2 after serving this area the past 20 years.

The Jordan Hubman ran past the LeCenter Wildcats 35-6 at LeCenter. “I thought our offense was outstanding tonight and you had to give credit to our senior offensive line,” Coach Trapp said.

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