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I have a distinct memory of loading the family dishwasher as a grade schooler and getting a little flack from an older, wiser cousin. While side-eyeing my systematic loading strategy (in my parents’ household, of course there was a system), she asked me, “Will your dad get mad if you load it the wrong way?” She was teasing me, but there’s truth to every joke: My dad had clearly taught me how to load a dishwasher the “right” way…because there’s a wrong way to do it.
In fact, there are a lot of wrong ways to load a dishwasher. Common mistakes like incorrect placement of certain dirty dishes, blockage of the cleaning jets, or even the wrong amount of detergent can easily create more work for you in the form of annoying, spotty, filmy dishes that need additional washing. Follow these tips to load your dishwasher the right way, and save yourself the side-eye from those who know better.
We should all follow the most basic dishwasher loading commandments: bigger, heavier stuff goes on the bottom, smaller, lighter stuff goes on top. That’s because most dishwashers are heated from beneath their bottom drain plates, which means that the nether regions down below get the hottest. Unless you want to melt your plastic containers, you need to keep them safe up top, along with anything else that isn’t built for super-hot temperatures. Do note, however, that even though top racks of dishwashers seem laid out for glassware, you can put it on the bottom unless its packaging says otherwise. It might even get a bit cleaner down there.
Much like a car wash, a dishwasher uses a system of powerful water jets to clean your dishes. If you inadvertently block those jets (check your dishwasher to see exactly where yours are located), you’re sacrificing a whole section of your load. Pay attention when you’re loading larger items—think serving platters or pans—to make sure they aren’t blocking the jets from doing their job.
Load your everyday forks, knives, and spoons right-side up, not buried down in the silverware basket, so that any food residue gets exposed to the jets. Give them some room, and be sure to separate your spoons to keep them from, well, spooning. Larger utensils and tools such as spatulas and turners can ride shotgun on the top rack if they don’t fit in the basket. Just make sure any utensils on the top rack are laying on their side, so they don’t collect any water in their cavities.
Nice kitchen knives, like chef’s knives or santoku knives, shouldn’t go in the dishwasher. They should be hand-washed only, because the wash and dry cycles can dull the blades. Steak knives can be put in the dishwasher, but if you choose to do that, make sure they are facing tip down for safety reasons. And keep in mind that you might experience a bit of dulling. The knife rule also applies to anything wooden: Extended bouts of moisture can do real damage to items like wooden serving spoons.
One of the most common mistakes when loading the dishwasher is the urge to fill that tiny little detergent dispenser to the brim. If the ratio of detergent to water is too high, your dishes will come out with a film on them. Your load will run much cleaner if you fill the detergent dispenser just a third of the way, or even less. You can also avoid overfilling by choosing dishwasher tabs, although they are pricier than other detergents.
In addition to being a waste of water and energy, running a partially-filled load of dishes is simply a bad idea. With little to stand in the way of all those jets, the water they shoot can bang your skeleton crew of plates together, potentially causing chipping or breakage. It’s also easier to end up using way too much detergent with lighter loads. If you only have a handful of dishes to do, consider giving your machine a rest and go the old fashioned route: hand-washing.
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