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  • Packaging Machine Safety | 2020-04-12 | Packaging Strategies

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    Typically, we think of packaging machine safety in terms of hard wiring, e-stops, guarding, lock out/tag out and regulatory compliance. Those are important considerations, of course, but today’s networked safety technologies can achieve substantial increases in productivity. Instead of shutt

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    Packaging Digest is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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    By Kimberly Gedeon published 14 May 22

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  • Rock's 40 Best 11th Albums

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    Making an album is no small feat. Making 11 of them is another matter entirely.

    For some artists, the work piles up quickly — Bob Dylan's 11th album, New Morning, arrived in 1970, only eight years after his debut recording. The Rolling Stones issued their 11th album