The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Richland Public Health between May 3 and May 4:
• Garden Gateway Café By Buehler's, 50 Trimble Road, Mansfield, May 3. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a container of ice for infused water in the freezer that was uncovered. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a bucket of sanitizer solution at 100 ppm. Person in charge (PIC) refilled bucket with solution at 200 ppm. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed butter packets in a container above the make table cooler at room temperature. PIC voluntarily discarded. Manual wash solution not being maintained at 110 degrees or above (critical, corrected during inspection). Wash solution in the three compartment sink was at 101 degrees. PIC brought solution up to 110 degrees.
• Mickey Mart Bellville #21, 750 Ohio 97 W., Bellville, May 3. Person in charge did not ensure that employees observed foods as they were received (critical). Employee verbalized temperatures are not being taken on incoming foods. Correct by May 3. Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health (critical). PIC unable to locate or provide signed employee illness agreement. Correct by next standard inspection. Handwashing sink not accessible (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed binder and box sitting on hand washing sink. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed Reese's stored under pocket lighters at cash register.
• Locust Corners Bulk Food & Deli LLC, 6917 Ankneytown Road, Bellville, May 3. Person in charge did not ensure that employees observed foods as they were received (critical). Please take temperatures of incoming foods to ensure proper transportation temperatures. Correct immediately. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed raw pork sausage in retail refrigeration case stored over top of ready-to-eat meats. Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration (critical, corrected during inspection). Sani bucket in use was 0 ppm. Employee dumped bucket and made a new bucket at 100 ppm. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Lettuce, cut tomatoes, hot dogs, stick of butter, Coney sauce, and shredded cheese were at 47 degrees in the small sandwich prep cooler. PIC voluntarily destroyed out of temperature foods. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical). Ice melt salt stored with bagged onions. Food contact surfaces not easily cleanable (critical, corrected during inspection). Scissors and knife used to open food bags are not easily cleanable. Discontinue use of scissors and knife for use with food bags immediately.
• Madison High School, 600 Esley Lane, Mansfield, May 3. Handwashing sink not accessible (critical, corrected during inspection). Food cart obstructing access to hand wash station.
• Rebel # 903, 2827 Lexington Ave., Lexington, May 3. PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations (critical, corrected during inspection). PIC did not ensure employees are properly maintaining temperatures of TCS foods during hot and cold storage (critical, corrected during inspection). Hot holding of pizza was at 110 degrees and prep table was at above 44 degrees ambient. Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health (critical, corrected during inspection). PIC unable to locate employee illness agreement for employee preparing food. Form provided and PIC had employee read and sign. Handwashing sink is being used for purposes other than handwashing (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Hand sink by three-compartment sink had items stored in it. TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Pizza in hot holding made less than 39 minutes had internal temperature of 110 degrees. PIC had reheated to 165 degrees. PIC is to monitor to ensure unit holds internal temperatures of 135 degrees or above. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Prep table under pizza oven. PIC voluntarily discarded four cheese and pepperoni tornadoes, four egg and cheese tornadoes, eight French toast and sausage tornadoes, one pound of pork ribs and one pound of fajita chicken — all at 46-51 degrees. PIC discontinued use till serviced and can hold internal temperatures of 41 degrees or below. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Pork ribs and fajita chicken that were opened for over 24 hour were not date marked. Items were voluntarily discarded. Missing and/or incomplete allergen declaration(s) (critical, corrected during inspection). No ingredients available for donuts in display case to include allergens. PIC removed from service till ingredient list could be obtained. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet (critical, corrected during inspection). Spray nozzle of three-compartment sink was below the flood rim.
• Wedgewood Estates, 600 S. Trimble Road, Mansfield, May 4. Food package(s) received in poor condition (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed two cans of pork gravy with dents on the seam in the back storage room. PIC moved cans to the area to be returned to the supplier. Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a bucket of bleach water at 0 ppm in one of the serving kitchens. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a package of sliced ham at 46 degrees and a gallon of milk at 48 degrees in the walk-in cooler. PIC voluntarily discarded items. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a gallon of milk at 50 degrees in the cooler in one of the serving kitchens. PIC voluntarily discarded milk. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a spray bottle of sanitizer hanging on a shelf above the food prep table. PIC moved sanitizer to the shelf underneath the prep table. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet (critical). Observed the end of the drain pipe on the ice machine down in the floor drain eliminating the air gap. Correct by May 10.
• Mansfield Christian Elementary School, 500 Logan Road, Mansfield, May 4. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Chicken tenders observed stored in walk-in freezer uncovered and subject to sneeze, splash, dirt and dust. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Half gallon of dairy milk observed stored in True Cooler for over 24 hours with no date marking. Listed item was date marked to April 28.
• Rama Tika Managment LLC DBA 24 Store, 1316 Ashland Road, Mansfield, May 4. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical). Observed 100 ppm quat at three-compartment sink. Correct by May 6.
For full inspection details, visit