LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Elotes Y Tacos “El Chino” was a health hazard on wheels when it became the newest member of our Dirty Dining 50+ club.
The food truck was shut down with 55 demerits on June 21.
There were two coolers, produce and a large drink container stored outside on a table in a dirt lot on Holly Avenue and Rancho Drive where the truck was selling food.
Even after instruction from the inspector, an employee washed his hands without using soap.
He also used bare hands to put ready-to-eat tortillas on the flat top grill.
Inspectors found significant evidence of wastewater being discharged onto the dirt.
Green onions were wilted and brown, and chopped lettuce was wilted, brown and slimy.
Food in the temperature danger zone included green salsa, chicharrones, cooked pork, beans, grilled peppers, cooked tomatoes and cooked chili sauce. All of it had to be thrown out.
An open bag of sugar, several fruits and a box of melons were all stored on the floor.
Tong and spatula handles were touching ready-to-eat foods in the make table.
Spices were stored without lids.
Eggs were stored in the same container and in direct contact with raw beef.
There was no sanitizer on the truck and no hand soap either.
A cut head of lettuce had been put back in its original packaging.
In-use vegetables had not been washed.
Single-use wooden skewers were being re-used and stored as clean while dirty with old food.
Jarred jalapenos were discolored, and temperature abused.
All spices, cans, jars and bags holding to-go containers were heavily soiled with old food, dirt and heavy grease build-up.
A pen, lighter, pencil, cell phone and other personal items were stored on the cutting board.
We reached Owner Augustin Cortez on the phone but had to call back with an interpreter due to a language barrier. That call back was not returned.
Pollos Culiacan is making its second appearance on Dirty Dining.
It’s #2 BBQ truck was shut down June 23 on Tropicana Avenue and Maryland Parkway for an imminent health hazard: employees had nowhere to wash their hands.
Inspectors watched an employee wipe greasy gloves on her apron and continue to handle ready-to-eat chicken.
A food handler used the same gloves to handle raw, then cooked chicken.
An employee kept a dirty, greasy pair of gloves in his pocket and reused them to handle raw and ready-to-eat food.
Three plastic bags of rice made in someone’s house were stored in the fridge. Those had to be thrown out, as did two uncovered tubs of cooked pork and two bags of shredded cheese that were at unsafe temperatures.
Rubber gloves not intended for direct food contact were being used to handle ready-to-eat cooked chicken. The gloves were heavily soiled with old, dried food.
The prep table and utensils were not being properly cleaned.
Owner Maria Gil has a voicemail box that has not been set up. She did not respond to our text requesting comment.
Pollos Culiacan was re-inspected on June 27 and received a 3-demerit "A" grade.
The meeting room pantry at the Orleans Hotel and Casino on Tropicana Avenue and Cameron Street was shut down June 23 for the imminent health hazard of no hot water.
Inspectors also found two opened half gallons of half and half that were expired: three days past their best-by date.
And the ice machine chute was moldy.
Boyd Gaming Corporation Vice President of Corporate Communications David Strow sent a statement saying, "The health and safety of our guests is a top priority for us, and we are working with the Health District to rectify this issue."
Quality Food Service’s #6 truck was shut down June 23 with 44 demerits and three imminent health hazards: no electrical service, improper sewage disposal and inadequate refrigeration.
Employees were operating the truck with a non-working refrigerator, saying they were using time as a temperature control, but foods were not labeled and there was no written procedure.
All foods in the make table were in the temperature danger zone including cut lettuce, cut tomatoes, pico de gallo, sour cream, shredded cheese, flautas, cooked shrimp, chicken patty and house-made ranch dressing. All of it was thrown out.
A food handler touched a heavily dirty towel and then touched a ready-to-eat tortilla.
The cutting board was heavily soiled, and a dirty knife was in clean storage with other clean utensils.
Due to consecutive failed inspections, Quality Food Service was required to attend an intervention training with the Health District, and it was warned that it would be placed on probation if there were further downgrades.
Our voicemail message requesting comment was not returned.
Click here to see the health report for Elotes y Tacos - El Chino.
Click here to see the health report for Quality Food Service Mobile #6.
Click here to see the health report for Pollos Culiacan #2 BBQ.
Click here to see the health report for Orleans Meeting Room Pantry.